Now, we all know that Lady Gaga is known for her shock antics but at the end of the day you have to ask yourself why she goes to the great lengths to get people's attention. She calls herself an artist and activist, but an activist for what?
It seems like every time we see Lady Gaga reinvent herself, the occult symbolism becomes more and more apparent in her persona. So parents, as your kids continue to become more and more infatuated with this woman and her music you have to ask yourself: What are they opening themselves up to?
Pay attention! This artistic show of "individuality" is not as innocent as they try to make it seem. The music and images that are put out in media are getting darker and darker and it will only get worse. And it's not just her, the industry is filled with it. So it is up to you, Christian parents, to be the champions in your household for what you allow your children to pollute their minds with. Censorship is not wrong, especially when it comes to protecting the minds and innocence of your kids. Contrary to popular belief they don't need to see everything that's on TV.
The Bible says, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15. In other words, study the truth so that you can recognize a lie when it's presented to you.
That is all for now. Be blessed and lets keep each other lifted up in prayer. It's the strongest weapon we have.
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