Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Employer/Employee Rules of Engagement

Ok, it's very apparent that a lot of people are just not that well versed in the art of dealing with other people; especially the ones they work with. This has been especially apparent as it relates to employer/employee or management/employee interaction.

Being that I have been on both sides of the fence, I feel compelled to enlighten some of the unwitting employers who are clueless about how their negative interaction with their employees is killing the productivity of their business.

Now before I begin, I will start by saying that we all know that some employees aren't worth their weight in toothpicks, so needless to say this commentary does not apply to those situations.

So here we go...

1. When you have employees who work hard (i.e. show up on time, go above and beyond the call of duty to execute tasks they are given, don't steal from the company, show initiative, etc...) acknowledge that from time to time. Everyone likes to know that their work is appreciated. You'd be surprised at how far that one small compliment or gesture will get you.

2. A happy employees is a productive employee. This is not rocket science. As an employer if you go the extra mile to make sure that your employees feel appreciated, they don't mind being more productive.

3. If you tell an employee that you will pay them a certain amount of money for doing a specific job, then that is what you need to pay them at the designated time. Don't wait until after they have done what you've asked them to do and then offer them a sloppy alternative to what was originally promised.

4. Do NOT play with people's money! If you, as a employer, feel compelled to make changes to someone pay, let them know that before they receive their paycheck. Failure to do so can result in very unfavorable circumstances.

5. Please be sure to have toilet paper readily available in CLEAN bathroom facilities. Having to work in a place with a nasty bathroom just makes for bad attitudes all around.

6. Do not tell your staff that the company is doing bad financially and as a result there will be no raises and then turn around and give bonus checks to upper management. Don't get it twisted, that stuff will get found out.

7. Don't be inflexible with respect to employees' time as it relates to family emergencies. While this should not be something that happens on a regular basis, employees should not be made to feel that they will loose their jobs if they have to call off for a sick child or the like.

8. If you can not afford to give raises, find other ways to compensate for good work. Things like concert tickets, extra days off, or gift certificates are always appreciated as a thank you.

9. Do NOT play with people's money. I felt the need to reiterate that point.

10. And finally, always remember to treat people the way that you would like to be treated. This is the golden rule for a reason. If you put yourself in someone else's shoes that enables you to be more compassionate in your dealings with them.  

None of us are perfect, but when you employ or manage people you are held to a higher standard, so it is in your best interest, and that of your company, for you to learn how to get the best out of the people you work with. If you can do that, then the sky's the limit.  But if you don't,  be prepared to be surrounded by a multitude of disgruntled people, who hate your guts, do just enough to get by,  and will secretly do everything they can to drag your name, and your company, through the dirt. And quite frankly, you will only have yourself to blame.

That's real talk, folks. Feel free to pass it along. That is all.

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